14 January 2013

Tribute to Roy Kirk

ROY KIRK 27/08/1934 TO 14/01/2012


Roy seems to have played for St Peters forever, until he retired a couple of years ago, but he probably joined in the late seventies or early eighties. He was extremely reliable, a firm believer in fair play, had a very sense of humour and for many years rode his motor bike to the matches. He and Ray Elsdon made a formidable doubles team in the Summer league and didn't concede many games. Following the replacement of his hips, he found side movement difficult and progressively recovery from playing table tennis took longer so he called it a day.


One of his other interests was cricket. In his fitter days he played for Rayleigh Fairview Cricket Club and latterly, Roy, Ray Elsdon and Brian Parker were regular supporters of Essex at Chelmsford.


I am sure that all who played with and against Roy will have fond memories of him and miss him. His funeral will be at Southend Crematorium at 4pm on Thursday 17th January.


Paul Reed