28 July 2010

Shelley Woolley - Invicta B / Div 3

'I only have access to a PC at work. I can't use the Blog or Facebook and I also can't view any photos on the gallery. I can live with that!

But please make sure that any important information is included in the main pages of the T-T website.
Also, please don't forget that some people haven't got internet access at all. Thanks.'

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shelley,
    I appreciate your comments in regards to some changes that have been made to the SDTTL site. I understand that some people have restrictions on full internet access and some other people do not want to get involved in Blogs or Facebook.
    I would like to assure you and all the League members that the Blog archive, Facebook and the Photo Galleries are not changes, they are a few extras added to the site from which many of the League members can benefit from, they're some luxurious parts of the website and they're there for people to enjoy if they want to. Facebook, Blogs, Photos, YouTube videos, debates, forums etc. are important parts of everyone's online activity these days and I wanted the SDTTL to have them. But I won't remove the main website which still be holding all the information about the whole League activity. I'll be taking nothing off from the main site just adding more to it.
    Many Thanks, Berti
